Sustainable Investments Screening

Quickly assess what percentage of your portfolio are sustainable investments according to your own definition, while relying on transparent data.

Easily screen the sustainable investments of your portfolio

Save time

Quickly screen what percentage of your portfolios is considered sustainable investments

Course correct

Understand how the percentage of sustainable investments changes over time


See the list of investments considered “sustainable” and “not sustainable” according to your own criteria

Analyse & Discover

Assess the performance of each instrument against indexes and benchmarks

Here's how Datia can help you:

Methodology definition

Follow a step-by-step guide to create your three sustainable investment criteria according to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) - negative screening; do no significant harm (DNSH); and positive contribution

KPIs and thresholds

For each set of criteria, select KPIs such as Principal Adverse Impact indicators, SDGs contribution, controversial business involvements, etc. For each of the KPIs, define the minimum threshold to be met by your investments

Portfolio’s performance

Let Datia’s software automatically calculate what percentage of your portfolio meets your own criteria for sustainable investments

Analysis of holdings

Understand in detail why each investment in your portfolio was classified as “sustainable”, “not sustainable” or  "moderate" according to your own methodology

FoF screening

Screen the proportion of Sustainable Investments in your Fund of Funds by applying your methodology to the underlying assets or by considering the values reported by the funds in their EET files.
Take the first step to optimize your sustainable finance work

More resources about SFDR

Simplifying the EU Taxonomy framework: A report by the Platform of Sustainable Finance

New Regulation on ESG Rating Activities

2024 Year-End Regulatory Review: Key Takeaways and What's Ahead for 2025

2024 Year-End Regulatory Review: Key Takeaways and What's Ahead for 2025

More tools to foster sustainable finance