Do you believe that ESG investment needs transparency? We do too! At our platform, portfolio-level and individual holdings reports are backed by plenty of data.
Integrate ESG analysis into your investment strategy
Save Time
Easily tap into ESG metrics of 36,000+ companies and 210,000+ funds
Instantly identify the top performers and laggards in your portfolios
Course Correct
Benchmark each company’s data against industry peers
Identify new investment opportunities that match your ESG investment strategy
Here's how Datia can help you:
Portfolio-level data
Aggregated data to show your portfolios' ESG score and comparison with the index or fund of your choice
Company-level data
See detailed ESG data about all the companies in your portfolio
Business involvements
Screen companies with controversial business involvements and acting in sanctioned nations
Export presentations
Easy-to-export presentation about your investments’ ESG scores and business involvements to share with your clients and stakeholders
Take the first step to optimize your sustainable finance work