EU Taxonomy Report

Easily analyse and visualize how the economic activities of your investments are aligned with the Taxonomy Regulation and contributing to the transition to a greener economy.

Analyse your investments in light of the EU Taxonomy

Save Time

Automate calculations of amounts and percentages aligned with the taxonomy framework

Analyse & Discover

Identify the activities within your portfolio contributing towards a greener economy


Watch in graphics how the economic activities are aligned with the Taxonomy


Complete your portfolios' taxonomy report in one single tool and share it with your investors

Here's how Datia can help you:

Yearly Report

Create yearly Taxonomy reports according to your financial KPIs for each fiscal year

Include Economic Activities

Identify if the activities are eligible for the Taxonomy according to their matching sectors and their activities, as listed in the regulation

Activity Analysis

Review the substantial contribution criteria, declare "do no significal harm" (DNSH), and the minimum safeguards from the OECD Guidelines and UNGC

Preview and Share Report

Quickly identify the Taxonomy alignment activities and their climate goals contributions. Then share the information with investors
Take the first step to optimize your sustainable finance work

More EU Taxonomy resources

Upcoming changes on the sustainable finance regulations and frameworks

A summary of the main challenges with climate-related data faced by FMPs, according to Eurosif's report

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Sustainable Finance in 2024: Prepare for the main events and upcoming requirements

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